Career Bichar is the most advanced website for online career assessment, career report and career counseling which is designed for school students. It helps you discover your right stream /courses by certified career counselor and provides 360 degree career information.
We offer the following tracks
Discover your perfect stream, and subject combinations through a comprehensive assessment of your strengths and personalized counselling from leading career coaches. Gain from expert guidance and explore the right career opportunities aligned to your stream choice.
Discover your perfect career/course based on your unique strengths & abilities, and get expert career counselling on your targeted career options to plan your course and college. Benefit from the exceptional support of our career counsellors and create a step-by-step plan for your career progression.
In School Career Guidance is a workshop-led program aimed at driving career awareness and inspiring success in students. Along with that access to career guidance portal to get complete career related information.
We use modern psychological aids and other methods to provide the best services
Career assessment test measures your interests, ability, personality, strengths and weaknesses
Career Report describes your all parameters which helps you to understand yourself in a better way
Choose your career with the help of certified career counselor and get to know yourself better and solve your all career related issues.
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